Waste transport
Special, hazardous and non-hazardous waste transport
Aspireco deals with the recovery and transport of waste deriving from cleaning, reclamation and rehabilitation for different sectors: steel mills, foundries, energy companies, chemical companies, roads and highways, waste-to-energy plants.
Aspireco è un’azienda abilitata al trasporto rifiuti pericolosi e non pericolosi con riferimento alla classificazione presente nel Testo Unico Ambiente (D.Lgs. n. 152/2006), che regolamenta il trattamento di rifiuti e obbliga le aziende che devono smaltire rifiuti a rivolgersi ad aziende certificate e regolarmente iscritte all’Albo Nazionale Gestori Ambientali.
Our company is authorized to transport hazardous and non-hazardous waste with reference to the classification present in the Consolidated Environment Law (Legislative Decree No. 152/2006), which regulates the treatment of waste and obliges companies that must dispose of waste to contact certified companies regularly registered in the National Register of Environmental Managers.
Our fleet includes special vehicles for transporting waste to be disposed of.
Special hazardous and non-hazardous waste we transport:
- Waste from agricultural and agro-industrial activities
- Waste from demolition, construction, and excavation activities
- Waste from industrial processing
- Waste from artisanal processing
- Waste from sanitary activities
- Waste from commercial and service activities
- Deteriorated and obsolete machinery and equipment
- Out of order vehicles and parts of motor vehicles, trailers and the like
- Fuel derived from waste (RDF)
- Waste from waste recovery and disposal activities, drinking water and other water treatment, wastewater treatment, and air emissions